
About US


About US


We have a permanent display of various camera starter kits such as Polaroids, instamatics with its "Magic Cube", Bakelite brownies with their flashbulb, battery and 1 film kits... this is how many of our parents and grandparents started photography. They understood "time" changes. Thus our photography theme:  graduation either elementary school or  School graduation with various real graduation photos.

Elementary black kid Polaroid with camera.jpg

 To draw your attention to just one photo:

 The Polaroid little African American Boy with the white cap and gown. From the standpoint of professional and or commercial photography everything is "wrong".   The lighting is wrong. The composure is wrong. There is a stranger's hand in the forefront  even worse there's a giant camera and flash prominently distracting from the photo... yet what is real is the moment of excitement unfiltered. 

In the context of we are living in a digital era where everything  looks perfect- one can take a 1,000 digital photos and only show the best 3: here is what is real as in missing in our Photoshop world today.